

A short word regarding membership

The Gathering of the Inland Valley has no official policy or rules governing membership. There are no membership rolls or 'covenant agreements' in order to be a participating member. We believe the bible does not teach formal membership for the local church.

The bible says in I Cor 12:18 that God has placed each member in the body as He so pleases. While this verse is contained in the chapter dealing with spiritual gifts and teaches the soveriegnty of God to bestow the graces He so chooses to each believer, we take this also to mean placement in the greater body of Chrsit as well.

We also can find no other precedent for formal membership in the New Testament. In short if God has placed you in this body of believers, and this is the primary place you are recieving the teaching of God's Word, and bring your offerings to the Lord, then this is your church home.

We gladly welcome you as family and commit ourselves to your care and growth in the love of God!